2021-01-13 10:43:07
Croissant Brownie Caramel

Croissant dough

1 kg flour

150g sugar

20g salt

10 g Vanoise croissant improver

30 g instant vanoise yeast

100 g eggs

100 g cold milk

350 g cold water

450/500 g Crescent sp gold leaf

3 simple rounds

Chocolate brownie

370 g the Delicious

350 g chocolate 55% Vanoise

200 g Sugar

300 g eggs

10 g vanilla paste Vanoise

200 g flour

Bake 18min at 180 ° Chill


Soft caramel

450 g Sugar

450 g Vanoise Glucose

225 g salt

165 g the Delicious

360g whipping cream sp Vanoise creaming Bake up to 110 °


160 g egg yolks

40 g unsweetened vanoise whipping cream

20 g vanilla vanilla sugar

Roll out the dough to 4mm thickness

Shape and fill with brownie sticks and caramel

Let rise for 2.30 hours at 32 ° bake 17 min at 180 °

Decorate with Caramel and brownie cubes

Sprinkle with icing sugar